10 packs of seed under £1 at Suttons
by Diane - November 11th, 2014.Filed under: Suttons Seeds.
Onion (Salad) Seeds – Lasar £0.99
This onion has been bred for its sweet and mild flavour – it still has good flavour even when large. Use raw in salads or for cooking. Good holding qualities.
Pea Seeds – Elvas £0.99
An exceptional variety producing, on average, three pods to a node, each pod packed with 7-10 delicious, sweet-tasting peas. Height 60cm (2′). Recommended for freezing. W = Wrinkled seed. Sow in succession March-June.
Lettuce Seeds – Grand Rapids £0.99
An easy-to-grow, summer heat resistant variety producing loose heads of crisp, tender, rounded, pale green leaves with attractive frilled edges. Pick individual leaves as and when required. For raised beds, patios or garden.
Cabbage Seeds – Durham Early £0.99
A hardy over-wintering variety with excellent flavour. Can be used as a spring green or allowed to ‘heart up’. Spring maturing variety.
Carrot Seeds – Berlicum 2 £0.99
A cylindrical, long stump-rooted variety that has an excellent colour and small core. Stores well.
Leek Seeds – Autumn Mammoth 2 £0.99
A first class strain to eat and to exhibit. Thick, sturdy white stems. Superb autumn leek – harvest from September to January.
Courgette Seeds – Golden Zucchini £0.99
Tasty, golden-coloured fruit. High yielding throughout the summer.
Tomato Growing Kit for Kids £0.99
Everything you need to get the kids growing in just one small pot! Pot contains a peat pot, ‘magic’ compost black, Tomato Gardener’s Delight seed and fun facts sheet. Ideal for starting on the windowsill.
Bean (Dwarf French) Seeds – Bobis d’Albenga £0.99
This superb Italian variety produces high yields of curved, speckled pods. They’re stringless, flavoursome and exceptionally tender. Ideal for slicing. Sow every two weeks for constant cropping.
Beetroot Seeds – Egyptische Platronde £0.99
A superb flat beetroot that can be harvested from mid summer through to autumn and, in milder areas, will overwinter well, allowing you to continue to pull delicious sweet, deep red roots right through to the following April! Not only that, but you can enjoy the crisp, tasty leaves fresh in a salad too!