Jerusalem Artichoke
by Diane - November 24th, 2014.Filed under: Suttons Seeds, Vegetables. Tagged as: jerusalem artichoke.
Jerusalem Artichokes are easy to grow. Just put them in and they’ll romp away. They grow really tall and can fall over in high winds so don’t put them near anything that will be damaged by their strong stems falling on them. You eat the roots – boiled, roast or turned into soup. They can give you wind due to inulin in them!
They are very good roasted like potatoes though!
They can flower at the end of summer – tiny sunflowers at the top of the long stems! Pretty!

Artichoke Jerusalem Tubers £8.99
The Jerusalem Artichoke is fully hardy and grows readily in cold climates, producing attractive flowers in summer and good crops of pink-skinned roots that have a sweet, nutty flavour, reminiscent of water chestnuts. These can be used raw, boiled, baked or roasted; they make a delicious soup, and are a novel winter alternative to potatoes. The tall plants make a useful windbreak. Harvest October-early spring. Height 1.5m (5′).Fuseau – Larger and smoother tubers than the common ‘knobbly’ variety, making them much easier to prepare!