New products at Dobies
by Sarah - December 3rd, 2014.Filed under: Dobies, New Products.
New lines today at Dobies
The Garden Kitchen & The Landlord’s Selection £35.98
THE GARDEN KITCHEN – contains: Caramelised Onion Chutney (310g); Tomato, Garlic and Ginger Chutney (105g); Sweet Apple Chutney (105g); Strawberry Extra Jam with Marc de Champagne (113g); Raspberry Extra Jam with Framboise liqueur (113g). Tasty recipe, interesting facts and serving suggestions printed on the box.THE LANDLORD’S SELECTION – Contains: Old Yorkshire Chutney with real ale (310g), Old English Chutney with cider (105g), Strawberry Jam with Marc de Champagne (113g), Three Fruit Marmalade with Scotch Whisky (113g), Spiced Cider Kit (35g).
Cotton Scented Heart £11.98
Fragrant heart, just hang in your wardrobe. Refresher oil also included.
Cotton Scented Heart £6.99
Fragrant heart, just hang in your wardrobe. Refresher oil also included.
The Landlord’s Selection £18.99
Selection contains: Old Yorkshire Chutney with real ale (310g), Old English Chutney with cider (105g), Strawberry Jam with Marc de Champagne (113g), Three Fruit Marmalade with Scotch Whisky (113g), Spiced Cider Kit (35g).