New products at Dobies
by Sarah - December 18th, 2014.Filed under: Dobies, New Products.
Dobies just added this new product
Trollis Plant – Dancing Flame £7.99
A compact, clump-forming, fully hardy perennial that produces lots of large, semi-double flowers with striking upright inner petals, and re-blooms later in the summer after cutting back. It’s easy to grow and holds its heads up well. British bred trollis was a top ten candidate in the chelsea 2014 plant of the year, also is the winner of the best new plant at the HTA Plant of the Year 2014. Flowers late June-September. Height 60-70cm (24-28). Middle of border variety. Hardy perennial variety. Plant supplied in a 9cm pot.Semi double bright orange flowersVery free floweringVery large flower headsCut flower useagePERENNIAL OFFER: BUY ANY 3 PLANTS (of the same or different varieties) & GET THE CHEAPEST FREE! (Please note – offer only applies where plants have this wording.)