New products at Blooming Direct
by John - January 14th, 2016.Filed under: Blooming Direct, New Products.
Blooming Direct just added this new product
Petunia Black Night 12 plug plants £14.99
It seems that every summer brings even more remarkable varieties from the plant breeders of the world and Petunia ‘Black Night’ will really take some beating! Not only are the flowers ruffled and fully double but they are of such a deep inky purple that to a casual glance they are black.
Black Night is a wonderful choice for baskets and containers with a gently cascading habit, whether grown on it’s own when the velvety blooms impress against bright green foliage or grow in a mixed basket contrasting against soft creams and yellows. Flowers from May to September. For the very best results keep well watered, remove old flowers regularly and feed weekly with a liquid feed once buds start appearing.