New products at Jersey Plants Direct
by Sarah - February 26th, 2016.Filed under: Jersey Plants, New Products.
New item at Jersey Plants Direct
Spring Jersey Royals 16lbs (7.2kg) £44.77
Be the first to enjoy this gourmet treat!You will receive 4lbs of our tasty Jersey Royals, each week, for four consecutive weeks, delivered post free directly to your home. Enjoy the delicious fresh taste of Jersey Royals even sooner! A mild winter has enabled us to produce a bumper crop of delicious Royals even earlier than expected, and only for our Jersey Plants Direct customers. It is unlikely that you will see these for sale at this time of year anywhere in the UK! The season for Jersey earlies is short, and you can enjoy this delicious treat for four consecutive weeks at this bargain price, when they are gone they are gone, so order now.