New products at Suttons Seeds
by Sarah - March 31st, 2016.Filed under: New Products, Suttons Seeds.
New lines at Suttons Seeds
Ulmus holl. Plant – Wredei £19.99
A relatively small form of the Golden Elm. A deciduous tree with particularly striking yellow leaves in the spring and summer, turning golden in the autumn. Its upright habit suits the smaller garden where space may be limited, the shape and colour contrasting well with other trees and shrubs grown alongside. Flowers May-July. Height 301cm+. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Skimmia reevesiana Plant £17.99
A dome-shaped, evergreen shrub with narrow, tapered dark green leaves which are slightly aromatic. In mid to late spring, fragrant white flowers, sometimes tinged pink or red, open from red buds on dense panicles. In autumn, bright red berries are produced, often lasting well in to winter. This attractive evergreen is a hermaphrodite, so you will not need a pollinating partner to produce the berries. A good shrub for a pot on the patio or in the garden border. Flowers April-May. Height 100cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Syringa v. Plant – Znamya Lenina £17.99
Strongly scented variety of lilac bearing intensely deep-purplish flowers in the spring above almost heart-shaped foliage. Ideal for smaller gardens, either as a specimen plant or for screening. Can even be grown in a large pot or container. Flowers May. Height 200-250cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Viburnum burkwoodii Plant £16.99
This Viburnum is one of the best scented varieties. Dome clusters of pink buds open into creamy-white flowers with such a delicious fragrance. It is usually evergreen with medium sized glossy leaves. Red fruits follow in the autumn ripening to black. Flowers December-February. Height 200-250cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Sambucus nigra Plant – Black Tower £15.99
This elder has almost black foliage with scented blooms that are a beautiful creamy pink. For best foliage colour grow in full sun otherwise the leaves can fade into a greenish-bronze. Height 300cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Viburnum burkwoodii Plant – Anne Russell £15.99
A compact, semi-evergreen shrub with glossy green foliage turning in the autumn to give a fine display of seasonal colour. The white tubular flowers emerge from the pink buds in the spring and summer and are strongly scented. Ideal for planting against a wall or near to an entrance or path. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Height 200-250cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Rhus glabra Plant – Laciniata £15.99
Also known a Smooth sumac., Rhus glabra is a deciduous upright shrub native to North America. Clusters of compact red berries ripen from late summer with each fruiting head containing between 100-700 berries and a sure way to attract birds into your garden. In autumn the dark green leaves turn to a fiery red to provide a vivid display. Flowers April-May. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Viburnum davidii Plant – Angustifolium £15.99
Compact, evergreen shrub that performs well, either as a small specimen plant or part of a mixed border. Grown mainly for its attractive leaves, with distinctly marked veining, and reddish-coloured stems. Small, rather insignificant, white flowers are produced during May-June. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Height 50-60cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Staphylea colchica Plant £15.99
An upright, deciduous shrub with thick stems bearing pinnate leaves with ovate to oblong, glossy, mid-green leaflets and, in late spring, panicles of fragrant, bell-shaped white flowers followed by bladder-like, greenish-white fruit. Flowers May-June. Height 150-200cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.