Garden And Gardener

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New products at Dobies

by Sarah - April 14th, 2016.
Filed under: Dobies, New Products.

New products added today at Dobies

Lonicera kamtschatica Plant - Wojtek

Lonicera kamtschatica Plant – Wojtek £14.99
Lonicera Wojtek is an extremely hardy variety of honeyberry. Sweetly fragrant pale yellow flowers form in spring which give way to large sweet blue berries in early summer. Eaten straight from the plant or used in cakes and for making jams. The berries are high in vitamins and antioxidants. Height 200-250cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Lonicera kamtschatica Plant - Duet

Lonicera kamtschatica Plant – Duet £14.99
Lonicera Duet is an extremely winter hardy plant producing soft pale yellow flowers in early spring but grown primarily for its rich sweet blue fruits, honeyberries. The large berries are produced in early summer, before most other fruiting plants, and are sweet and juicy. Height 150-200cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Magnolia stellata Plant - Rosea

Magnolia stellata Plant – Rosea £17.99
An excellent small rounded magnolia, Rosea is perfect for a small garden or even in a pot as it will grow to an eventual height of 2m in 20 years. Lightly fragranced star-shaped flowers open from pink buds, slowly fading to white in early spring. A beautiful specimen, the glossy green foliage can be tinted with bronze shades during the summer. Height 200-250cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Lonicera periclymenum Plant - Chojnow

Lonicera periclymenum Plant – Chojnow £14.99
Lonicera Chojnow is a compact growing climer. Fragrant magenta and white flowers smother the plant over a long flowering period throughout summer, followed by ornamental red berries in autumn that birds will love. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Lonicera periclymenum Plant - Belgica Select

Lonicera periclymenum Plant – Belgica Select £12.99
A popular climbing honeysuckle, Lonicera Belgica Select produces white flowers in early summer that slowly turn yellow with steaks of red as they age. A second flush of sweetly scented blooms are often produced in autumn. A vigourous climber that will cover fences and walls. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 2 litre pot.

Magnolia Plant - George Henry Kern

Magnolia Plant – George Henry Kern £14.99
Magnolia George Henry Kern is a slow growing deciduous shrub. Fragrant pale pink goblet-shaped flowers are born over a long flowering period from April until June. A beautiful specimen plant ideal for containers or a border. Height 301cm+. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Miscanthus sinensis Plant - Gracillimus

Miscanthus sinensis Plant – Gracillimus £14.99
Miscanthus Gracillimus is a clump forming, compact growing grass great for growing in a mixed border. The narrow arching green leaves have a stripe running down the centre and produces silky, curled flower panicles late in the summer that continue into autumn. Height 150-200cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Magnolia loebneri Plant - Merrill

Magnolia loebneri Plant – Merrill £21.99
Magnolia Merrill is a small deciduous tree with an upright growth habit making it suitable for most gardens. A free flowering variety with fragrant white star-shaped flowers, sometimes flushed with a pink stripe, appear in early spring before the foliage. Flowers March-April. Height 301cm+. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Magnolia soulangeana Plant

Magnolia soulangeana Plant £14.99
A wide spreading deciduous tree, magnolia soulangeana is a popular variety that produces masses of large goblet-shaped flowers. The pink or white flowers are borne from mid spring and carry a subtle fragrance. Slow growing and easy to care for this will remain as a managable sized shrub for many years making it suitable for