New products at Dobies
by Sarah - April 19th, 2016.Filed under: Dobies, New Products.
Dobies just added loads of new lines
Physocarpus opulifolius Plant – Summer Wine £14.99
Compact and easy to grow, Physocarpus opulifolius Summer Wine is a deciduous shrub with deep burgundy, wine coloured foliage. Clusters of small white flowers appear along the stems in summer contrasting nicely with the darker leaves. Perfect to grow in almost any area of the garden. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Rhododendron Plant – Marie Forte £19.99
An evergreen hybrid rhododendron with large glossy leaves. Clusters of deep red flowers that are long lasting and a real show stopper. Flowers May-June. Height 200-250cm. Supplied in a 4 litre pot.
Rhododendron (AJ) Plant – Ardeur £13.99
A hardy shrub with a compact, low growing habit. The bright orange blooms in spring look magnificent against the dark glossy leaves. Flowers April-May. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 2 litre pot.
Photinia fraseri Plant – Red Robin £12.99
Photinia is a verstaile, upright bushy shrub that can either be grown as a specimen plant or as a fast growing evergreen hedge. The leaves are glossy and green, first emerging bright red in colour and maturing to rich green later in the season. Easy to maintain and regular pruning will encourage more new red growth. Height 150-200cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Rhododendron Plant – Nova Zembla £19.99
An evergreen hybrid rhododendron with dark green foliage. Nice upright habit. Produces large deep red flowers with wonderful spotting that fades to pink if grown in strong sun. Flowers April-May. Height 150-175cm. Supplied in a 4 litre pot.
Philadelphus Plant – Albatre £13.99
Philadelphus Albatre is a variety of Mock Orange that will fill the air with a rich, sweet fragrance when in full bloom. Pure white, semi double blooms are produced in early summer that contrast well with the dark green foliage. An easy to grow and care for deciduous shrub. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Rhododendron (AJ) Plant – Moederkensdag £14.99
An evergreen azalea that has dark green foliage. Beautiful crimson-red flowers from April into May. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 2 litre pot.
Pieris japonica Plant – Mountain Fire £17.99
Pieris Mountain Fire is a bushy evergreen shrub with shiny leaves that first emerge as bright red, turning bronze and then finally dark green as they age. Densly packed creamy-white bell-shaped flowers are produced on branched panicles in mid spring. Easy to grow and ideal for a sunny border. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Potentilla fruticosa Plant – Sommerflor £11.99
Flowering from late spring throughout summer and into autumn Potentilla Sommerflor provides plenty of colour over a long period. The small grey-green leaves provide the perfect backdrop for the vibrant bright yellow blooms. Great for beds and borders or as a specimen plant in a container. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.