New products at Blooming Direct
by John - July 27th, 2016.Filed under: Blooming Direct, New Products.
Blooming Direct just added this new item
Hardy Phlox ‘Adessa’ x 12 plugs £14.99
The superb new ‘Adessa series of Summer flowered hardy Phlox is a real breakthrough – compact and long-flowering, yet with gorgeous fragrance too, and in a lovely sweet-shop confection of sweet pinks, mauves, and whites, and great mildew resistance too. What more do you need from a perennial?
Forming neat clumps of flowers, they light up the high Summer garden when many plants are fading away. Fabulous in pots, or the front of perennial borders plant them where you can smell them! Butterflies love them too.
Dead-head to prolong flowering, they will die back down underground completely each Winter, and emerge bigger and bolder next year.