Price reductions at Blooming Direct
by John - August 27th, 2016.Filed under: Blooming Direct, Price Reductions.
Price cut on this item at Blooming Direct
501 Bulb Spring Flowering Bulb Collection in 9 varieties was £39.99 now £19.99
A huge Bumper collection of a massive 501 Autmn Planting Bulbs, which will creates drifts of bright and bold Spring colour next year – and for many years to come. Enough for masses of pots, borders and beds – plant lot together on groups of 5 or 10 for maximum impact.
Each collection contains:
3 Hyacinth ‘Woodstock’ – deep purple
8 Tulip ‘Giuseppe Verdi’ – bright yellow and red
50 Allium ‘Drumsticks’ – neat purple balls on straight stems
20 Narcissus ‘Tete a Tete’ – small flowered, multi-headed dwarf variety
80 Allium moly – yellow star shapes, good in drifts
80 Brodiea ‘Queen Fabiola’ – lovely deep bluebell blue
80 Anemone de Caen mix – a classic long-lasting Anemone with black centres
80 Oxalis Iron Cross – lucky 4 leaf clover leaves with markings. lovely rust red flowers
100 Muscari – classic pale sky blue Grape Hyacinths, perfect en masse in pots