New products at Suttons Seeds
by Sarah - September 1st, 2016.Filed under: New Products, Suttons Seeds.
Suttons Seeds has these new products today
Garlic Elephant (4 cloves) £5.99
This colossal garlic can grow to an amazing 15cm (6) across and weighs almost 1kg (2.2lb). Each clove is bigger than a regular garlic bulb! As it is closely related to the common leek, the flavour is more mild, making it suitable to shave and use raw in salads
Squash Seeds – F1 Butterscotch £4.99
A compact variety (ideal for garden or container) producing smaller, earlier maturing fruits of 1-2lbs. Cooks well in the microwave – simply pierce the skin in a few places and cook for about 12 minutes. High resistance to powdery mildew. Harvest August-October.
Brussels Sprout Seeds – F1 Crispus £4.99
Very well adapted to growing under stressed conditions, reliably producing good crops of smooth, dark green sprouts, that hold well. Pick from September to November.
Cabbage Seeds – F1 Lodero £4.99
A maincrop red cabbage with high resistance to one or more types of club root fungus. A tasty variety for pickling or cooking.
Pepper Sweet Seeds – Sweetonia Mix £4.99
Easy-to-grow mini sweet peppers with a sweet, spicy taste. Eat raw in salads or stir fry. Harvest July-October.
Cucumber (All Female) Seeds – F1 Bella £4.99
A superb cucumber with resistance to Powdery Mildew. Vigorous plant habit and heavy yield of long, slightly ribbed, quality dark green bitter free fruits. Also resistant to Target Leaf Spot and Gummosis and tolerant to Downy Mildew.
Courgette Seeds – F1 Goldmine £4.99
A colourful, tasty fruit thats easy to grow and self-pollinating, which means heavier crops, even in poor summers! Harvest July-September.
Courgette Seeds – F1 Green Griller £4.99
Tasty and attractive fruit that are easy to harvest and easy to cook. Simply slice in half and barbecue or grill! Harvest July-September.
Cucumber Seeds – F1 Delistar £4.99
An unusual variety with very thin, transluscent skin which means there is no need to peel the 16-18cm long fruits. This can reduce the digestive problems you could have with other varieties. Harvest July-September.