New products at Dobies
by Sarah - September 9th, 2016.Filed under: Dobies, New Products.
Dobies has these new products today
Brachyscome Blue 6 £7.99
Masses of pretty little daisy-like flowers with contrasting yellow centres. Cascading.
Begonia F1 Ambassador Mix (20) £6.49
Unlike President, Ambassador produces plants which all have rich green foliage. Very striking! Height 20cm (8).
Polemonium Generic Touch Of Class £9.99
An easy and colourful low-growing perennial, this forms a mound of sage-green ferny leaves, each leaflet neatly edged in white. New fresh leaves continue to appear throughout the year. Height 30-40cm. Flowers May-June. Supplied in a 2 litre pot.
Heuchera Plant – Tangerine Wave £7.99
Fabulous tangerine foliage with a pretty wavy edge, teasing you with the deep pink underside. Colour intensifies during cooler months. Masses of creamy white frothy flowers late spring and into the summer. Height 31-40cm. Supplied in a 1 litre pot.
Begonia F1 President Mix (20) £6.49
A good range of flower colours, some plants having fresh green leaves and others boasting deep bronze leaves. Height 20cm (8).
Geranium Cabaret Red 20 £7.99
A classic geranium with a branching habit, attractively zoned foliage and a profusion of large, scarlet flowers. The most popular individual colour in the mix of Cabaret. Height 35cm (14); spacing 30cm (12).
Geranium Cabaret Mix 60 £12.99
Early to flower, with a compact and bushy growth habit, this is an outstanding choice for bedding or patio containers. The mixture includes all the traditional bright geranium colours, many of which also feature attractively zoned foliage. Height 35cm (14); spacing 30cm (12).
Geranium Cabaret Red 30 £14.99
A classic geranium with a branching habit, attractively zoned foliage and a profusion of large, scarlet flowers. The most popular individual colour in the mix of Cabaret. Height 35cm (14); spacing 30cm (12).
Gazania Daybreak Mix (20) £6.49
Large blooms, in a range of bright shades, are held on sturdy stems above glossy green foliage. Height 25-30cm (10-12).