Japanese onions
by Diane - October 10th, 2016.Filed under: Suttons Seeds.
Very popular overwintering onions

Onion (Salad) Seeds – Shimonita £1.99
A unique, sweetly flavoured Japanese Salad Onion. Sown at wider spacings it produces thicker stems (almost like mini leeks!) and pungent tubular leaves.SMALL SPACES made easy! Are you feeling left behind by the grow-your-own revolution because you live in a gardenless apartment or have a postage-stamp-sized patio? Dont worry: Anyone with a sunny windowsill, patio, or balcony can cultivate home-grown vegetables. In fact, choosing plants that are nutritious, delicious, and attractive is the ultimate way to maximise limited space. Weve tried and tested these varieties suitable for small spaces and know theyll succeed, but thats not to say there arent other vegetable seeds that you could try!

Onion Seeds – F1 Bridger £3.49
A Japanese type over wintering hybrid. Has excellent bolting resistance. Flattened globe shape and thick smooth skin.

Onion Seeds – Senshyu Semi-Globe Yellow £2.79
Good crop of round, straw-coloured bulbs by early July. Recommended by the National Institute of Agricultural Botany. Japanese bulb onion variety.

Onion Sets – Senshyu Yellow £3.49
An extremely popular Japanese over-wintering onion, reliably producing a heavy crop of semi-globe-shaped, straw-coloured bulbs of excellent quality, which should be ready to harvest in early July.

Onion Sets – Triple Pack £7.99
Onions are one of our most invaluable vegetables and also one of civilisation’s oldest medicines. They can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and are anti-asthmatic, antibacterial and antiseptic. This triple pack contains a 250g pack of the following three varieties:Electric – Produces outstanding quality, shiny, deep red semi-globe-shaped onions with excellent flavoured pink tinged flesh. Ideal for over-wintering, plant in autumn-early winter for harvest May-June.Radar – Our most popular over-wintered onion, producing superb pale-to-mid brown skinned onions from mid July. Green bulbs can be pulled from late May. Bulbs have firm flesh with a mild taste and keep well until autumn.Senshyu Yellow – An extremely popular Japanese over-wintering variety, reliably producing a heavy crop of semi-globe-shaped, straw-coloured bulbs of excellent quality, which should be ready to harvest in early July.