Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

Top sellers at Suttons

by Diane - December 30th, 2016.
Filed under: Suttons Seeds. Tagged as: .
Let’s take a look at 2016’s best selling items
Best Selling Items 2016
As the end of the year draws near it’s time to come up with a fresh batch of new years resolutions, Maybe this will be the year you can get ahead with your garden and really plan out some bumper crops, try some new additions in your veg patch, take part in a growing competition or maybe even use your garden produce to make something new in the kitchen.

If you’re looking for some inspiration take a look below at some of our bestselling items and maybe add them to your list this year.

Grafted Tomato Plants - F1 Crimson Crush
Impatiens Plants - F1 Select Mix
Blueberry Plants - Collection
All Purpose Compost
Beetroot Seeds - Boltardy

If you’re looking for inspiration on what to grow next year then this list from suttons will give you some great ideas.