New products at Dobies
by Sarah - March 23rd, 2017.Filed under: Dobies, New Products.
New lines at Dobies
Berberis ottawensis Plant – Superba £29.99
Barberry ‘Superba’ or known by its proper name Berberis ottawensis f. purpurea ‘Superba’ is a deciduous medium-sized shrub with arching branches. Has light yellow flowers and its leaves are broadly oval, deep red-purple and brighter red in autumn. Flowers April-May. Height 150-200cm. Supplied in a 7.5-10 litre pot.
Saintpaulia Plant – Ek-Vrata Raia £6.40
Commonly Known as African Violets, Saintpaulias are a popular choice for an indoor houseplant that will brighten up any room.Saintpaulia Ek-Vrata Raia is a free flowering variety producing large blooms. The semi-double flowers are pale pink with road rays of white emerging from the centre. Flowering intermittently throughout the year, Saintpaulias are sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and will perform best in a bright position out of direct sunlight at a minimum of 16C. Height 11-20cm.
Saintpaulia Plant – Betty Stoehr £5.80
Double frilled deep pink flowers with a cream edge, dark ruffled leaves. Standard. This plant will flower intermittently throughout the year. Height 10-20cm.
berberis darwinii Plant – Nana £12.99
Berberis buxifolia Nana is a slow growing, small shrub with clusters of small pale yellow flowers that appear in spring. It is an evergreen shrub and is drought tolerant once established. It can be pruned to shape after flowering if necessary. Flowers April-May. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.
Berberis thungergii Plant – Golden Dream £29.99
Berberis thunbergii ‘Golden Dream’ is an upright deciduous shrub with small greenish yellow leaves. The folige turns to shades of orange in autumn. The red stems add the bi-colour effect against the foliage. Flowers May. Height 51-60cm. Supplied in a 7.5-10 litre pot.
Abies balsamea Plant – Nana £32.99
A dwarf evergreen conifer Abies Nana is a slow growing mound-like conifer that will need very little maintenance. Perfect for rockeries, the densly-branched plant has a rounded growth habit and provided it is protected from hot summer sun the tidy green foliage will look good all year. Flowers May-June. Height 100-150cm. Supplied in a 5-7.5 litre pot.
Saintpaulia Plant – Le-Macho £6.40
Commonly Known as African Violets, Saintpaulias are a popular choice for an indoor houseplant that will brighten up any room.A stunning variety of African Violet, Saintpaulia Le-Macho makes a bold statement. A stunning variety with semi-double frilled blooms are a magnificent dark purple with a beautiful contrasting white edge. Flowering intermittently throughout the year, Saintpaulias are sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and will perform best in a bright position out of direct sunlight at a minimum of 16C. Height 11-20cm.
Berberis media Plant – Red Jewel £29.99
Glowing brightly in the border, Berberis x media ‘Red Jewel’ forms a neat, rounded mound of glossy red-purple leaves that turn bright red in autumn and remain on the plant through winter. Small, pale yellow flowers appear in spring. Happy in sun or partial shade and in most soil conditions, it works well as an evergreen structure in the border, and also makes a good informal hedging plant, with the long thorns providing added security. Flowers April-May. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 7.5-10 litre pot.
Albizia julibrissin Plant – Ombrella £42.99
Silk tree or Albizia julibrissin is a small, fast growing, deciduous tree with with green leaves structured like feathers. The compound clusters of tiny pink flowers look like fluffy silk powder puffs and they attract honey bees. Flowers July-August. Height 301cm+. Supplied in a 7.5-10 litre pot.Hardy in most of the UK, it is deciduous with foliage falling with the first frosts, reappearing late Spring dont give up on it! As a precaution plant in a sheltered spot, perhaps a south-facing wall and protect with mulch or fleece to protect from very low temperatures.