Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

Dobies chicken range!

by Diane - April 11th, 2017.
Filed under: Dobies.
Over 100 Products In The New Range

New! A quality house will last for many years, providing it is well maintained. It needs to keep your hens safe from predators, provide them with somewhere cosy to lay their eggs and be easy to clean. As with other things in the garden the chances are you’d also like the chicken house to look reasonably attractive.
Dobies have a great range! 

Keeping Chickens - New Range
Chicken Coops
Chicken Fencing
Chicken Egg Boxes
Fertilised Eggs Chicken Feed, Feeders and Drinkers
Chicken Health and Hygiene Chicken And Egg Incubators
Starter Kit - Chicken Keeping Chicken Gifts
Chicken Accessories Chicken Seed Collections
British Hen Trust
Chicken House Competition
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Premier Perennials
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Dobies, Long Road, Paignton, Devon TQ4 7SX. A trading name of Suttons Consumer Products Ltd. – Tel: 0844 967 0303 – Registered in England and Wales, company reg. 284448.