Price reductions at Jersey Plants Direct
by Sarah - November 12th, 2017.Filed under: Jersey Plants, Price Reductions.
Jersey Plants Direct has cut the price of these products
Bellis Belle 12 Mega Plants was £11.99 now £5.99
Perfect for Complimenting your PansiesBellis Belle has large, double blooms in warm shades of red, pink and white which will look exceptional alongside your Pansies and other seasonal blooms. A great performer, which will flower throughout the Autumn and come back to full glory again in the Spring.
Pansy Tango Magic 12 Mega Plants was £10.99 now £5.99
For Glowing Autumn Colour!Producing large bright, vibrant orange, scented flowers on sturdy stems. These Pansy Tango Magic Plants will add a colourful glow to your containers and pots throughout the Autumn months.
Pansy Can Can 12 Mega Plants was £10.99 now £5.99
The Original and Best Ruffled PansyA fun and frivolous Ruffled Pansy Variety which merits centre stage in your garden this Winter. The blooms come in a stunning mix of 10 different pastel shades which will become more ruffled in low temperatures. This variety is perfect for adding a burst of colour to your beds, borders or containers.
Wallflower Wizard 12 Mega Plants was £10.99 now £5.99
Scented, with a Stronger Fragrance in the Evening!This fabulous variety of Wallflower will give you much more ‘flower power’ for your money. With it’s increased colour range in hues of bronze, red, gold, yellow, purple, lemon and white, you will be able to create some truly colourful displays from Autumn straight through to Spring! Plus, early rising Spring Bees love them!
Lupin Gallery Dwarf 12 Jumbo Plants was £10.99 now £6.49
Lupins are Perfect for Attracting butterflies to Your Garden Attracts Wildlife: This variety is good for attracting butterflies and moths to your garden this Summer.The colourful spikes of Lupins are an unforgettable sight in any Summer border or container. They will produce blooms in nearly every colour under the sun from deep reds, pinks, blues and oranges to softer hues of white and yellow. These traditional and popular Perennials are perfect for attracting butterflies and moths to your garden all Summer long.
Pansy Can Can 24 Jumbo Plants was £12.99 now £6.99
The original and best ruffled PansyThis beautiful ruffled Pansy comes in a mix of pastel colours with dark centres. These Pansies will flower from Autumn straight through to Spring providing a fantastically long flowering period. Can Can is the original and best-ruffled Pansy available in the marketplace.
Venus Fly Trap 1 x 9cm Pot was £10.99 now £7.99
Get Rid of PestsThe Venus Fly Trap is one of the most well known carnivorous plant and for good reason. These pots are pre-planted with many small Venus Fly Traps so that there will always be some ready to deal with new pests.
Lupin Gallery Dwarf 24 Jumbo Ready Plants was £16.49 now £8.49
Create a Rainbow of Colour in Your Garden this Summer! Attracts Wildlife: This variety is perfect for attracting butterflies and moths to your Summer garden.Flowering in its first year, Lupin Gallery Dwarf is perfect for attracting butterflies and moths to your garden throughout the Summer. Available in shades of deep reds, pinks, blues and oranges to softer tones of white and yellow, they are perfect for adding a rainbow of colour to your border and container displays. A dwarf variety, it is also perfect for smaller gardens.
Pansy Cascadia XL Trailing (Autumn) 1 Pre-Planted Hanging Basket was £14.99 now £9.99
Perfect for Long-Lasting Winter Colour!This 27cm reusable Hanging Basket has been Pre-Planted with our Pansy Cascadia XL Plants for your convenience. This new and improved colour mix has extra flowers which will bloom in hues of red, yellow, blue and purple, from Autumn to Spring. An outstanding performer, this variety won’t need pinching as the plants spread naturally.