Price reductions at Dobies
by Sarah - February 8th, 2018.Filed under: Dobies, Price Reductions.
Dobies has cut the price of these items
Clematis Amazing was £9.99 now £7.99
The variety London produces large pale blue flowers over a long period from early summer on multi-flowering stems 40-50cm long with up to 5 or 6 flowers on each. A second flush of flowers will be produced in late summer making this a great cut-and-come-again flowers. Growing to a height of 1.5-2m (5-6′); spread 90-100cm (3′-3’3). Suitable for growing in beds, borders or even in a pot on the patio. Supplied in a 7cm pot, plant size 15-25cm.
Clematis Amazing was £9.99 now £7.99
Rome produces large light purple flowers with clear white stamens in the centre in early summer that continue over a long flowering period, with an added bonus of a second flush of flowers towards the end of summer. Five or six flowers will often be developed on each 40-50cm long flowering stem allowing the display to last longer whether inside or out. Grows to height of 1.5-2m (5-6′); spread 90-100cm (3′-3’3). Supplied in a 7cm pot, plant size 15-25cm.
Clematis Amazing was £9.99 now £7.99
The striking variety Oslo has deep blue flowers with clear white stamens. Grows to height of 1.5-2m (5-6′); spread 90-100cm (3′-3’3). Supplied in a 7cm pot, plant size 15-25cm.