Price reductions at Crocus
by Sarah - March 30th, 2018.Filed under: Crocus, Price Reductions.
Crocus has cut the price of these lines
Kids trowel was £2.99 now £1.99
Lightweight and compact Coated stainless steel for rust protection Hangs on hook or nail in the shed Encourage little ones to help around the garden with their very own tools. Many hands make light work! Made from rust-resistant coated stainless steel, the trowel is specially designe d for small hands with a shorter length and lighter weight. A great all-rounder for general digging, planting and weeding, the cheery red fi nish means it’ll always be easy to find among the greenery. Includes integrated hole for easy hanging in the shed. Measurements: W5cm x D2cm x L20cm Please note: any children’s tool should always be used under adult supervision.
Kids fork was £2.99 now £1.99
Coated rust-resistant stainless steel Hangs on hook or nail in the shed Lightweight and compact Nurture a love of nature in little ones with garden tools of their own. This ‘cl aw’ style 3-tine fork will make weeding fun. Stainless steel to protect against rust, the compact fork is designed for smalle r hands and great for weeding and cultivating in small beds and planters. The br ight red finish means it shouldn’t be easy to lose among the greenery. Includes integrated hole for easy hanging in the shed. Measurements: W6cm x D4.1cm x H15cm Please note: any children’s tool should always be used under adult supervision.
Papaver somniferum ‘Lauren’s Grape’ (opium poppy (Laurens Grape)) was £2.49 now £2.29
Position: full sun Soil: well-drained, preferably poor soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June to August Hardiness: hardy annual A recent introduction with rich purple-plum petals, which unfurl from their silken buds to create magnificent bowl-shaped flowers. These sit majestically on top of somewhat twisted stems that arise from amongst clumps of greyish green foliage throughout the summer. Their bold colouring is perfect for borders with a ‘bruised’ planting scheme. Garden care: They tend to resent root disturbance, so sow shallowly, directly into a well prepared bed in spring and water well. As the seedlings develop, thin them out to 30cm intervals keeping just the healthiest and most robust plants. Protect the emerging seedlings from slugs and snails. The seedheads can be dried and added to winter arrangements. Sow: March-May Flowering: June-August Approximate quantity: 200 seeds.
Pillar candle holder was £2.99 now £2.69
Burn traditional pillar candles safely with this black disc candle holder. Push the candle firmly onto the spike to secure. Measurements: W8cm x H3cm
Achillea tomentosa (woolly yarrow) was £3.99 now £3.49
Position: full sun Soil: moist, well-drained Rate of Growth: fast-growing Flowering period: July to September Hardiness: fully hardy Garden care: Achilleas do not like wet soil, especially in winter. Stake if necessary using bamboo canes or brushwood before the flowers appear. Cut down to the ground in late winter, but resist the urge to do this earlier, as the seed heads look lovely in the winter light. Pull out seedlings as they appear, as they rarely match the parent plant. Lift and divide large clumps in late autumn or early spring.
Lilium ‘Apricot Fudge’ (lily bulb) was £3.99 now £3.49
Position: full sun Soil: well-drained, including chalk, enriched with leaf mould or a loam-based potting compost such as John Innes no. 2 Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June to July Hardiness: fully hardy Bulb Size: 16/18 The flowers of this unusual lily look quite rose-like, having two rows of shorter, more rounded petals, but they still retaining the cluster of prominent stamens that is typical of most of the group. The colouring is very pretty too, being a warm blend of apricot and fudge, and this makes it perfect for borders with a hot colour scheme – as well as offering a lively contrast to rich purple and plum. Also, the flowers have a delicious perfume and will make long-lived additions to the vase. The RSPCA have reported that all parts of lilies can be fatal to cats, including the flower, leaves and pollen. For more information visit Garden care: Lilies can be planted at any time from early autumn, to mid-spring. Planting in autumn often helps them settle in and become better established before they start to put on their new spring growth, but spring planting is a better option if your soil is heavy and wet during winter. Choose a sunny spot, preferably where the plant receives a little light shade at its base, and plant each bulb 15-20cm (6-8in) deep in a well-drained soil, enriched with well-rotted organic matter or leaf mould. Space them between 15 – 30cm intervals and provide support before the flowers appear. Deadhead the faded blooms promptly and cut the dead stems back to ground level at the end of autumn.
Penstemon Pentastic Rose (‘YAPROSE’) (PBR) (Pentastic Series) (beard tongue) was £3.99 now £3.49
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: fertile, well-drained soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: July to October Hardiness: frost hardy (will need winter protection in cold areas) White throated tubular-bell-shaped flowers top upright clumps of glossy, green foliage. Ideal in a cottage garden setting where their soft colouring blends easily with richer pinks, purples and blues. Garden care: Remove the faded blooms regularly to prolong flowering. Apply a dry mulch around the base of the plant to protect the roots from frost damage and cut back in spring when new shoots appear low down on the stem. Lift and divide congested clumps in spring.
Delphinium ‘Aurora Deep Purple’ (Aurora Series) (delphinium ) was £5.99 now £3.99
Position: full sun Soil: fertile, well-drained soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June and July Hardiness: fully hardy White eyed deep purple flowers form impressive columns that are all relatively uniform in habit. Appearing in early summer, they look spectacular when teamed with shades of rich plum or chartreusse, while adding body to softer purples, pinks and blues. Garden care: Stake with bamboo canes in mid-spring. During the growing season apply a balanced liquid fertiliser every 2-3 weeks and wearing gloves cut back the faded flower-stems to a flowering side- shoot. At the end of autumn cut back and compost the faded flower stems.
Delphinium ‘Aurora Blue’ (Aurora Series) (delphinium) was £5.99 now £3.99
Position: full sun Soil: fertile, well-drained soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June and July Hardiness: fully hardy Compact yet sturdy, the stems of this summer-flowering perennial carry smaller than average leaves, which makes the flowerspikes perfect for cutting and adding to the vase. In the border, weave them through in generous drifts and they will add form and structure that will help break up the monotony of too many rounded shapes. Garden care: Stake with bamboo canes in mid-spring. During the growing season apply a balanced liquid fertiliser every 2-3 weeks and wearing gloves cut back the faded flower-stems to a flowering side- shoot. At the end of autumn cut back and compost the faded flower stems.