Haynes Bee Manual –
by Diane - October 30th, 2019.Filed under: Uncategorized.
The best bee book for beginners. I love this book. I’ve got a copy and I recommend it to everyone who I teach beekeeping to.
It’s available at Wordery for the bargain price of £13.95 which includes free postage.

Highly recommended. It covers everything you need to know for starting out as a beekeeper. It is a useful guide to read as an introduction and then useful ongoing as a reference.
The HAYNES BEE MANUAL is such a useful book, and in true haynes manual style is packed with plenty of diagrams and graphics to explain the text. It’s not text heavy so you can enjoy reading it with all the illustrations. It comes in so useful that you can use it as the main guide for taking your BBKA Basic assessment and you should do well. The photos are very clear and will help explain the practical craft of beekeeping.
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