Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

Buy fruit plants now

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

BUy from a great selection of fruit bushes and trees at Jersey Plants Direct. Free delivery on every order now.
Summer Soft Fruits from Jersey Plants Direct
Grow your own fruit – it’s so simple, only requires a corner of your garden and you’ll be able to harvest fruit to eat or cook with. Given the price of soft fruit in the supermarket then it really makes sense to grow some if you have space in your garden. That way you get beautiful sweet freshly picked fruit!
Gooseberries Hinnonmaki Red 3 Plants

Rhubarb Champagne 3 Plants

Raspberries 5 Plants

Blackberries 3 Plants

Blueberries 3 Plants

Gooseberries 3 Plants