Gardeners holidays
by Sarah - July 27th, 2009.Filed under: allotment. Tagged as: eden centre, gardener's holiday.
If you have a break from your allotment whilst you go on holiday make sure you’ve got the watering covered if you’ve got plants that need it. Tomatoes in the greenhouse need regular watering so unless you’ve got a tried and tested watering system make sure you’ve got a willing person to water for you. Show them a couple of times so they know what to do. Don’t forget they need to know how to feed them too! You can’t expect people to offer to weed whilst you’re away so get the plot as neat and tidy as possible before you leave and then it shouldn’t be too bad when you get back.
You might be surprised how much you have to harvest when you get back. Giant courgettes that you’d have picked days before, tons of beans ready to pick, peas waiting, tomatoes ripening, salad by the bucket load.
If you’ve got too much to pick then decide what’s best picked first. Runner beans quickly go tough if you leave them too long, so prioritise all your veggie harvesting.
Holidays are a time for viewing other people’s gardens. The local tourist information centre will give you plenty of leaflets about garden to visit and local shows that may be on. they should be the first port of call whilst on holiday to make sure you get the latest info for the time you’ll be there. If you’re in Cornwall the Eden project is well worth a visit. It’s on the pricier end of gardens but it’s absolutely huge and Will take you hours to get around and is probably best
covered in several visits which you can do if you gift aid and get a years free entry. The biomes are massive – the Mediterranean one is amazing with lots of plants you’ll recognise from holidays! Some pretty impressive plants are in
there including some tomatoes and other veggies growing away! The tropical rainforest biome is amazing. It’s very hot though and will make you feel uncomfortable but make sure you take a bottle of water with you to go round with, there are drinking fountains provided but a bottle of water for yourself is much more convenient. The tall trees offer an impressive scene as you go round and past the various levels of planting and the waterfall. Stand at the spray at the
top – it’s very pretty – and the jungle is packed with edible useful plants we almost take for granted. There’s very little in the way of insect life in there that I noticed, some very small ants and that was all I saw – but I didn’t root round anywhere! There are a few birds.
The Eden Project is built in an amazing location in the Cornish countryside in what was a quarry – a huge undertaking to build beautiful gardens and has a plant shop so you can buy some brilliant new plants or seeds for your own garden.
Enjoy the outside gardens, take a coat too incase the weather isn’t perfect!