Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

Why your garden is good for you

by Sarah - May 25th, 2010.
Filed under: garden.

Ronseal have done some research with Professor Geoff Beattie looking at data rom the last 25 years into how exposure to gardens and other outdoor spaces can impact on the wellbeing of the general public and affect mood and behaviour.

The conclusions are clear – that a lack of green spaces is bad for people!

The triggers according to the report.

1. Over exposure to concrete or overly built up environments.
2. Over exposure to noisy, busy and over-stimulating environments.
3. Poor natural light balance – whether too bright or too dingy.
4. Poorly maintained spaces – messy areas full of rubbish, clutter or dead plants and flowers.
5. A lack of fresh air.
6. Remaining within a building for too long, without any natural view available.
7. Refusing to connect with or appreciate any outdoor space with a ‘head down, keep moving’ attitude.
8. Competition for green space – for example fighting crowds in a busy city centre park on a sunny lunchtim

It’s been reported recently that the UK spends £750M picking up litter – and judging by most people’s responses when told this, they don’t feel it’s being spent near them!

My own views on this are simple – we all need a garden. Inner city areas which either tiny or no gardens are bad for people. Children need a safe outside space where they can play every day – under the watchful eye of a parent from the kitchen window, or french windows. Families in flats are, again in my opinon, deprived of an essential part of growing up. A safe garden is great for children to play in without constant supervision by mum when they’re young – and by safe obviously I mean child friendly with plenty of grass to play on, no water features to fall into, or poisionous plants. As a direct result perhaps, parents feel their children are vulnerable to the outside world and aren’t allowed to play outside because of a lack of safe private space to develop independence to then move on to playing outside the family garden. Other research has shown that children play closer to their home now than they have at any time over the last 50 years.

The report highlights top tips on how to solve this problem:

1. Time – ensure you spend time outside every day in a green space. If you don’t have a garden this will mean discovering your local parks and green spaces.

2. Make the most of the space you have – even a window box can help, or perhaps a bird feeder situated outside your window.

3. Sit quietly outside and relax! Making the most of your garden means relaxing in it too – and a nice set of garden furniture can really make the difference. Ronseal have a range of wood preservatives and finishes that can help your furniture last longer. They also have a competition on their website.
Furniture that’s always outside so it’s easier to take a short break is less effort than having to unlock the shed and drag out a chair! Ronseal do lots of wood care products to allow you to keep wooden furniture outside all year round.

4. Look after your garden! Even if you just mow the lawn and don’t have tons of plants your garden needs to look tidy. A messy lawn will make you feel depresed just looking at it! The exercise is also good for you. Experts recommend 30 minutes exercise a day – so why not turn your garden into your own gym! All that mowing, pruning and weeding counts towards your daily exercise routine! The chill out and relax and enjoy the view!

5. Enjoy the sounds of nature – get a bird feeder so you can enjoy listening to the birds chip and chirp all day. Or a water fountain provides a restful relaxing sound

I’m glad Ronseal have done this report – I’ve always believed that gardens are essential for a healthier and happier society!