Lawn care basics for autumn
by Sarah - October 8th, 2010.Filed under: garden, RoLawn Direct. Tagged as: autumn lawn food, lawn.
Everyone knows what an evergreen tree is, but most gardens have an evergreen in them that’s on the ground not up in the air! A lawn could be considered an evergreen!
A lawn needs fairly regular care and attention if it’s to look good. It’s easy for an unkempt lawn to quickly get out of control and look very scruffy. Even a neglected lawn can be turned around though. One of the most effective weed controls is to mow it regularly. Grass likes to be cut. It responds well to being trimmed regularly and it’ll do it’s best to outgrow the weeds.
Some weeds need removing. Any weeds that take over a patch of grass need cutting out. You can use weed killer but I always believe it’s best to use as little poison as possible in the garden. Weeds can be cut out either using a special tool or just use an old dinner knife to cut them out. With daisies the root is general spread out in a small area but will remove easily. Dandelions send their roots down and so a long knife can cut away at the weed and remove much of it. If you remove too much soil replace it with a mix of soil and grass seed. This helps the grass fill in the patch before annual weeds get attached!
That’s one reason why weed killer is a bad idea – it can remove the weeds but then leave bare patches where other weeds will flourish. Many of the annual weds are very opportunistic and will do their best to appear!
Remove dandelion heads even if you don’t dig them out. It’ll stop them spreading. Send them to the tip or burn them – but don’t put them on the compost heap as they will be viable seeds within no time at all!
In the autumn you often have to be quick to get the last mow in before the grass gets too wet. It’s worth making the effort though to have a tidy lawn all winter. Trim off any edges that look messy. Use a string to get a straight line. It’ll look smart! If you’re going an arc then use a string but fixed to a point and work round the arc of a circle with the half moon tool to get a perfect curve. It’s a nice trick and gives great results.
You can buy autumn feed for your lawn and it’s worth giving it a treat to help it through the winter! You can also aerate your lawn at this time of lawn using a hollow tine aerator or some other sort of spike. Autumn feed is specially for this time of year as it’s high in phosphates and potash. This will help strong roots to develop, which will produce healthy leaves – rather than a spring fertiliser that will be ended to encourage lush growth!
A heavily shaded lawn can become mossy so thin out any trees of hedges to allow the sunshine through. Aerating these areas is worth doing too as the extra air in the soil helps dry the surface more prevent it from getting a grip. Brush a sandy mix into the holes after.
Remove the thatch by raking. It can be strenuous work even with a springy rake but worth doing. Some people use the moss for hanging baskets – but I’ve never tried it! It’s fine to put the moss on the compost heap.
When it’s frosty or snowed then do not walk on the lawn.
Remove leaves regularly on dry days and put them in the leaf bin to rot down.
RoLawn Direct has these new lines today

Rolawn GroRight Autumn Lawn Food Twin Pack £20.90
SPECIAL OFFER Save £5 when you buy Rolawn GroRight Autumn Lawn Twin Pack. Using GroRight Spring Lawn Food in conjunction with GroRight Autumn Lawn Food provides a year round programme to promote a healthy, green and hardwearing lawn. Each 4Kg box covers 100sqm.

Rolawn GroRight Autumn Lawn Food £12.95
Rolawn GroRight Autumn Lawn Food provides the optimum balance of nutrients required for Rolawn turf. It can also be used on other lawns. Using GroRight Spring & Autumn Lawn Food provides a year round programme to promote a healthy, green and hardwearing lawn. 4Kg box covers 100sqm.