Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

Free ebook

by Diane - April 29th, 2012.
Filed under: Free stuff.

The Farmers’ Handbook is a free permaculture eBook created by Chris Evans (UK) and Jakob Jespersen (Denmark), who have spent considerable time in Nepal, helping to develop locally appropriate methods and technologies that can help the people of Nepal live better lives, and sustainably so.

This free eBook volume covers how to reuse waste water, dealing with sweeping, building a pit latrine, making compost, mulching and double digging in the garden, seed saving, Integrated Pest Management, using liquid manure safely, as well as keeping bees and livestock. It also includes a fascinating description of how to build a non-cement-based water system.
The book covers composting, mulching, pit latrines, and much more! A great afternoon read!

It looks like you have to register to download it though.

Here are the original downloads – it’s split up into chapters
It is really interesting – the photos are of Nepal I assume – and whilst some of the techniques aren’t quite relevent to the UK it’s fascinating.

One thing they recommend is burying a big pole in the compost heap. You use it to wriggle about to get air to the bottom of the heap and if you put it out you can tell from the state of the poll whether the compost is too wet or dry.?