Price reductions at Crocus
by Sarah - June 4th, 2014.Filed under: Crocus, Price Reductions.
Crocus has cut the price of these products
Anemone coronaria ‘Mr Fokker’ (anemone bulbs) was £4.99 now £3.99
Position: full sun Soil: light, sandy soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: March to April Flower colour: violet-blue useful as cut flowers Hardiness: fully hardy Bulb size: 5/6 A low growing tuberous perennial, which is much-loved for its large, black-eyed, violet-blue flowers, which appear in spring over mounds of finely dissected foliage. The velvet-like petals form large open bowls, and gradually open out even further before they fall to create saucer-like plates. They make charming cut flowers and look lovely at the front of a sunny border. Garden care: Plant pre-soaked tubers 5-8cm (2-3in) deep and 15cm apart in September or October in light, sandy soil in a sunny, protected site. Cover with a cloche or dry mulch to protect against extreme winter weather.
Anemone coronaria ‘Sylphide’ (Mona Lisa Series) (anemone bulbs) was £4.99 now £3.99
Position: full sun Soil: light, sandy soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: March to April Flower colour: magenta pink Other features: useful as cut flowers Hardiness: fully hardy Bulb size: 5/6 Exquisite bowl-shaped flowers form just above the low carpet of parsley-like folige in early spring. The petals are an irridescent shade of pink and they surround boss of rich purple stamens – overall a very pretty effect. Use them with taller-stemmed tulips, which can soar above. Garden care: Soak the tubers overnight in cool water and plant them in naturalistic drifts (it doesn’t matter which way up) 5cm deep and 15cm apart from September to November. Ideally you should choose a spot where they can be left undisturbed so they can naturalise and spread. Avoid excessively wet conditions when dormant.
Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’ (white rose campion) was £7.49 now £5.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: August Flower colour: pure white Hardiness: fully hardy Elegant, pure white, disc shaped flowers on slender, branching stems in late summer above clumps of downy, silver grey leaves. This wonderful white form of rose campion is perfect for the middle of a sunny, well drained border. Thriving in dry soils and full sun it associates well with other grey leaved foliage plants such as artemisia. Garden care: Apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of well-rotted compost around the base of the plant in early-spring. Cut back the faded flowerheads in late autumn It is worth keeping in mind that these plants are short lived perennials or bi-ennial, so although they usually self-seed freely, the plant will only live for a couple of years.
Anemone x hybrida ‘Robustissima’ (windflower) was £7.99 now £6.99
Position: full sun or partial shade Soil: moist, fertile, humus-rich soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: August to October Hardiness: fully hardy 5-petalled pink flowers appear on reddish-tinted stems for several months from late summer. This is a vigorous perennial, which spreads by suckering shoots to form good-sized clumps of attractive, lobed leaves. It is easy to grow in full sun or light shade and copes well with any good garden soil, as long as it is not waterlogged. Wonderful for adding late colour to the garden. Garden care: Cut back the stalks after after the flowers have faded, and tidy up old dead leaves in March, then mulch well. Avoid moving the plant since it resents disturbance. Where necessary lift and divide congested clumps in autumn or early spring.