Garden And Gardener

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Price reductions at Crocus

by Sarah - June 22nd, 2014.
Filed under: Crocus, Price Reductions.

Crocus reduced the price on this product today

Helleborus x sahinii 'Winterbells' (hellebore)

Helleborus x sahinii ‘Winterbells’ (hellebore) was £16.99 now £13.99
Position: partial shade Soil: any moist, neutral to alkaline soil, including heavy soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: January to April Other features: all parts of the plant cause severe discomfort if ingested; the sap may cause skin irritation; dark greyish-green leaves give off an unpleasant odour when crushed Hardiness: fully hardy A new hybrid form (Helleborus niger x Helleborus foetidus) that is famed for its incredibly long flowering period – often from early winter to spring. It is pretty too, with nodding pink-flushed green flowers that top slender stems. Great for the woodland floor, or underplanting shrubs and trees in partially shaded borders. Garden care: Add lots of well-rotted leaf mould, compost or manure to the planting hole. Apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of well-rotted orga nic matter around the base of the plant and provide a top-dressing of general fertiliser each spring.