New products at Plant Me Now
by John - August 30th, 2014.Filed under: New Products, Plant Me Now.
Plant Me Now just added these new products
Garlic Marco (3 bulbs) £2.9500
Garlic Marco have a distinctive strong flavour. These garlic bulbs are ideal for storing, making them a favourite over wintering garlic.
Garlic prefer a well-drained, fertile soil and a sunny position.
Garlic will benefit from an application of general fertiliser into the soil prior to planting. If the garlic is in bulbs, break into cloves before planting. Check every few days, until growth commences and re-plant any sets that are disturbed by birds etc.
When the leaves start to die down, lift the bulbs and leave them on the surface of the soil to ripen if the weather is hot and sunny, otherwise store in a light airy position, dry and frost free.
Garlic is said to act as a deterrent to many garden pests.
Narcissus Quail (10 bulbs) £1.9500
Quail is a scented narcissus bulb with yellow, multi-headed flowers. Growing up to 25cm tall quail narcissus flowers can be seen in March/April.
Daffodils and narcissi like well-drained but moist, humus rich soil in sun or partial shade. Avoid very dry areas such as under conifers.
Plant them informally in groups; ideal for rock gardens, containers and terraces.
They can be left undistubed for years although should they become too overcrowded, once the leaves have withered lift the bulbs, separate and replant immediately.
Great for naturalising in woodlands or lawns.