New products at Blooming Direct
by John - August 31st, 2014.Filed under: Blooming Direct, New Products.
Blooming Direct just added these new lines
300 Bulb Offer (150 + 150 Free) £19.99
150 top-quality bulbs, plus 150 extra free!
Transform your garden with 6 whole months of fabulous colour each year – this fantastic offer is less than half the normal price you’d pay for 300 bulbs of this quality!
From January right through to June you’ll be amazed by the dazzling array of colours and variety of shapes from these quite brilliant plants. They are perfect for patio containers and flower borders and best of all, each of these items will naturalise, so you’ll get bigger and better displays each year for many years to come! All of these bulbs are guaranteed to flower, so you’ll get a minimum of 300 stems of vivid colour each spring.
150 bulbs included in this pack:
Anemone ‘De Caen’ Mixed x 50 bulbs A carpet of reds, pinks, blues and whites. They love sunshine and their poppy-like flowers make fantastic indoor cut flower displays. Flowers: 100 days from planting! Height: 25cm
Tall Tulips ‘Triumph’ Mixed x 25 bulbs A kaleidoscope of colour. Incredibly versatile, very strong and sturdy, with the classic tulip shape. Flowers: April. Height: 50cm
Allium Mixed x 50 bulbs Bright clusters of flowers on slender green stems. Cut them for fantastic indoor displays. Great for beginners. Flowers: Apr-May. Height: 25cm
Iris ‘Dutch’ Mixed x 25 bulbs Unusual and striking flowers in contrasting shades of purple, white, orange and yellow. Very hardy and easy to grow. Flowers: May-June. Height: 50-65cm
Chionodoxa Mixed x 50 bulbs Lots of pretty, star-shaped flowers appear in swathes in late winter. Very versatile and easy to grow. Ideal for rocky borders. Flowers: Jan-Feb. Height: 15cm
Dwarf Narcissi ‘Tete a Tete’ x 50 bulbs Brilliant in pots, Tete a Tete produces lots of pretty, golden-yellow flowers from late February. Vigorous and strong. Flowers: Late Feb-Apr. Height: 15-20cm
Muscari Mixed x 50 bulbs Immensely pretty, bell-shaped flowers on long, narrow, deep-green leaves. Free-flowering & easy to grow. Best planted in groups. Flowers: Mar-Apr. Height: 20cm
Complete Climbing Plant Collection – 6 plugs £19.99
The complete Climbing Plant collection is the easy way to cover unsightly objects and add colour to your garden all year long with this fantastic collection of climbers!
Perfect for brightening up bare walls, banks, sheds, carports, pergolas or growing on trellises, each of these tough and vigorous plants will come alive each year between late spring and autumn, bursting with a range of pinks, purples and yellow flowers. Not only that, these climbers will fill your garden will subtle, sweet scent!
Hardy, they will come back year after year, yet are easy to manage, simply cut back to size or trim each Autumn.
You will get oen each of the varieties:
Clematis montana Grandiflora – gorgeous pure white flwoers in early Spring
Jasminum beesianum – tiny pink star-shaped flower
Jasminum stephanense – pale pink flowers
Lonicera serotina (Honeysuckle) – creamy white and purole flowers, very fragrant
Lonicera ‘Darts World’ (Honeysuckle) – amazing peach, red to purple flowers – highly fragrant
Solanum jasminum Album – white flowers
Allium ‘Modern Art’ 100 bulbs £12.99
In those immortal words ‘And now for something completely different……’
And it certainly is. Alliums have been gaining in popularity for many years, and are bang on trend as versatile flowers for cutting, drying and garden decoration. And this fab variety ‘Modern Art’ is no exception.
Like a modern sculpture, it adds fantastic interest to the late Spring and Summer garden. Reaching 1-1.2M, their squiggly random heads look like a sculptural explosion in a firework factory, darting off in one hundred directions at once. The detail is truly amazing, as they burst open from rather boring buds, to reveal their secrets.
Totally hardy as a perennial, they will flower year after year, quickly emerging from underground when you had all but forgotten last year’s display. Cut them when they are open, and they dry really easily – spray them silver or gold for unique Christmas decorations too.
What more do you need – get some ‘Modern Art’ in your garden – this Autumn’s must have bulb.