New products at Plant Me Now
by John - September 6th, 2014.Filed under: New Products, Plant Me Now.
New items at Plant Me Now
Pansy Matrix Raspberry Sundae Collection (72 plants) £20.0000
Create a rich, warm feel with our Raspberry Sundae Collection, a great source of winter colour. These winter pansies are taken from the Matrix series, the best performer in our trials.
Flowering for longer than normal winter pansies, this variety not only resists stretching but produces large blooms on compact, well shaped plants. When combined with other colours from the Matrix range, they’ll flower at roughly the same time and grow to a very similar size – perfect for creating stunning colour combinations!
Matrix Winter Pansies flower up until the first frosts then should produce another stunning display the following sprintime!
Uses: Because of their versatility matrix pansies can be used in beds borders and window boxes.
Care: Plant in rich well drained soil that is allowed to dry slightly between waterings.
For best results apply a balanced liquid fertiliser monthly.
Pansy Matrix Citrus Collection (72 plants) £20.0000
Producing gorgeous orange, yellow, white and cream coloured pansies, our Pansy Citrus Collection is a great source of winter colour. These winter pansies are taken from the Matrix series, the best performer in our trials.
Flowering for longer than normal winter pansies, this variety not only resists stretching but produces large blooms on compact, well shaped plants. When combined with other colours from the Matrix range, they’ll flower at roughly the same time and grow to a very similar size – perfect for creating stunning colour combinations!
Uses: Because of their versatility matrix pansies can be used in beds borders and window boxes.
Care: Plant in rich well drained soil that is allowed to dry slightly between waterings.
For best results apply a balanced liquid fertiliser monthly.
Height: 15-20cm (6-8)
Spread: 20cm (8)
Pansy Matrix Northern Lights Collection (72 plants) £20.0000
Deep autumnal colours on beautiful plants, our Northern Lights Pansy collection is a great source for winter colour. These winter pansies are taken from the Matrix series, the best performer in our trials.
Flowering for longer than normal winter pansies, this variety not only resists stretching but produces large blooms on compact, well shaped plants. When combined with other colours from the Matrix range, they’ll flower at roughly the same time and grow to a very similar size – perfect for creating stunning colour combinations!
Matrix Winter Pansies flower up until the first frosts then should produce another stunning display the following sprintime!
Uses: Because of their versatility matrix pansies can be used in beds borders and window boxes.
Care: Plant in rich well drained soil that is allowed to dry slightly between waterings.
For best results apply a balanced liquid fertiliser monthly.
Pansy Matrix Select Collection (72 plants) £20.0000
Producing a stunning mix of our most popular winter flowering pansies, our Select Collection is a great source of bright winter colour. These winter pansies are taken from the Matrix series, the best performer in our trials.
Flowering for longer than normal winter pansies, this variety not only resists stretching but produces large blooms on compact, well shaped plants. When combined with other colours from the Matrix range, they’ll flower at roughly the same time and grow to a very similar size – perfect for creating stunning colour combinations!
Uses: Because of their versatility matrix pansies can be used in beds borders and window boxes.
Care: Plant in rich well drained soil that is allowed to dry slightly between waterings.
For best results apply a balanced liquid fertiliser monthly.
Daffodil Bulbs Mixed Colours (5kg) £9.9500
This sack of daffodil bulbs includes a range of mixed colours and types, from yellow to creams, double flowers and single flower along with varying heights. Ideal for a longer flowering time in the garden next Spring.
Daffodil bulbs be planted in most positions in your garden from July to December. Plant in a free draining soil approximately 10cm deep and at least 5cm apart, but no more than 10cm. These daffodil bulbs are idea to naturalise on banks, in lawns, under shrubs or in rose beds.
Bluebell English (15 bulbs) £6.9500
These are English grown blue bell bulbs (hyacinthoides non-scripta) which can be seen in many woodlands, they grow to around 30cm high and flower in May.
Hyacinthoides (Bluebells) like full sun or partial shade and a well-drained soil with a good supply of humus such as leaf mould or compost.
Ideal for naturalising in borders, wild gardens, woodlands and between shrubs and trees.
These bulbs are hardy and require no special attention. Should they become overcrowded in the future, lift, divide and replant after flowering.
Once established, hyacinthoides (previously classified as scilla) will spread rapidly.
These bulbs are grown from cultivated stock.
Murphy Sequestrene Plant Tonic 5 sachet £6.9500
Murphy Sequestrene Plant Tonic soluble chelated iron tonic for acid-loving ericaceous plants. Improves colour and vigour of all plants because it cures iron deficiency. Provides iron – in a chelated form so that it can be easily absorbed through roots and leaves irrespective of soil alkalinity or acidity. Application allows lime-hating plants to be grown in alkaline soil.
Contains chelated iron, manganese and magnesium
Crocus Mixed Large Flowering (35 bulbs) £5.9500
This great value pack of Crocus bulbs, contains 35 bulbs sized 7 – 8 to produce a beautiful show of mixed colour crocus in March/April next year. Large flowering crocus grow to around 10cm in height.
Crocus will grow in a wide range of soils provided there is good drainage. They like sunshine but the flowers will last longer in partial shade.
Excellent for naturalising (leaving in for flowers year after year). Suitable for rockeries, between shrubs and in any kind of container.
Should there become overcrowding after a few years, lift when the foliage has died down divide and replant.
When planting, place wire netting just under the soil surface to prevent mice or squirrels eating the corms.
Carrot Cake (Shades of Orange Collection) £4.9500
Perfect for creating containers of spring colour in shades of orange. These bulbs have been selected with different flowering times to ensure a gorgeous spring display from early in the season right through until mid May.
Perfect for planting underneath you Winter bedding so spring colour follow next year!
Contains: Tulip Orange Princess Crocus Cream Beauty Hyacinth Gypsy Queen