New products at GreenFingers
by John - October 22nd, 2014.Filed under: GreenFingers, New Products.
New products at GreenFingers
World Garden Seeds – Windmill Palm £4.99
The Windmill Palm would make a beautiful container plant or is ideal for growing in a sheltered position in the garden in almost all areas of the UK. This plant is highly exotic with fan-shaped foliage for outstanding effects. An attractively packaged product which will make an ideal gift for the keen gardener. This box includes a full cultural instruction leaflet. Hardy/half-hardy perennial shrub. Height 2m (6ft) Quantity: 10 seeds
World Garden Seeds – Olive £2.99
The Olive tree is picturesque and has leathery grey-green leaves with fragrant small white flowers. It wil fruit when the plant is established. Ideal for decorating a summer patio or indoors as a houseplant. An attractively packaged product which will make an ideal gift for the keen gardener. The box includes a full cultural instruction leaflet. Half-hardy tree. Spread 1m (3ft) Height 1m (3ft)Please note that this product is the Seeds only the other items in the picture are not included.Quantity: 25 seeds
World Garden Seeds – Banana £4.99
This is a quick growing plant for lush foliage in your garden or in patio containers. Decorative huge leaves rivalling any expensive mature houseplant and can grow up to 1m (3ft) in the first 3 months! This exotic seed can be sown all year round. Suits warm well-lit conditions. An attractively packaged product which will make an ideal gift for the keen gardener. This box includes a full cultural instruction leaflet.Plant in full or partial sunA perennial which is ideal for Conservatories Greenhouses Patios Pot Plants Tubs. Spread: 3m (10ft) Height: 1.5m (5ft)Quantity: 5 seeds
World Garden Seeds – Bat Plant £4.29
In Malaya they call the Bat Plant the Devil’s Flower and strange fascinating stories surround it. Originating no doubt from the malevolent way the eyes in the bloom seem to be following your every move! It grows to about 3 feet in height with flowers complete with whiskers 12 inches long forming a flowing forked tail. An attractively packaged product which will make an ideal gift for the keen gardener. This box includes a full cultural instruction leaflet. Greenhouse herbaceous perennial. Spread 1m(3ft)Height 1m (3ft)Quantity: 15 seeds
World Garden Seeds – Giant Vipers Bugloss £3.99
An unusual and beautiful flower no wonder the Giant Viper
World Garden Seeds – Papaya £4.99
Grow the tropical fruits of Papaya also known as Pawpaw with the Papaya seed. This tropical fruit is sweet and juicy and the plants make good foliage specimens indoors or in greenhouses. This seed can be sown from March to May into pots or trays. An attractively packaged product which will make an ideal gift for the keen gardener. This box includes a full cultural instruction leaflet.Partial shade. Half-hardy tree. Spread 3m (10ft) Height 6m (20ft)Quantity: 25 seeds
Hanging Bird Feeder – Seed Filled £2.49
When visiting your garden your feathery friends will thank you for the addition of this tasty Seed Filled Hanging Bird Feeder. Attracting a wide variety of garden birds this seed block is perfect for hanging from bird tables trees and feeding stations. A great gift for the bird enthusiast this seed feast comes complete with a pitched roof and 30cm hanging rope with hook. The birds will really enjoy this delicious snack! With disappearing habitats and climatic changes the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) both recommend the year-round feeding of garden birds to maintain a healthy and viable flock of native species. Feeding requirements are greater in late autumn and winter when natural resources are in shorter supply and high energy levels are also needed during spring when birds are busy breeding and raising young. Once you have established a feeding regime – don
World Garden – Snail Flower £4.99
A striking unusual evergreen twining climber the Snail Flower also known as the Corkscrew Flower features beautiful pendants of twisted flowers like coiled snail shells up to 5cm across. These fascinating colourful summer flowers are followed by cylindrical green fruits in late autumn and are best grown with support such as a climbing frame or trellis. They will create a magnificent display in your garden and prefer to be in a full sun position. Prior to sowing the seeds should be chipped or soaked in tepid warm for 1-2 hours. Sow in pots or trays on the surface of a good seed sowing compost and lightly cover with more compost or fine grade vermiculite until the seed is just covered. Place in a propagator or seal container inside a plastic bag at a temperature of 21-25C until germination which takes 14-30 days. Once germinated grow on in cooler conditions. When seedlings are large enough to handle transplant into 7.5cm pots and grow them on in warm bright frost free conditions. Pot on as required into progressively larger pots using a well drained compost.Quantity: 4 seeds
World Garden Seeds – Mixed Glory Lily £3.99
The Glory Lily Mixed seed is an easy to grow exotic climber with lily-like flowers in a wide range of vibrant colours. Ideal for creating a spectacular feature plant climbing up an obelisk in containers or through trellis in borders. The plant flowers in summer.An attractively packaged product which will make an ideal gift for the keen gardener. This box includes a full cultural instruction leaflet.Plant in full sun. Greenhouse perennial.Height: 180cm (6ft)Caution the Tubers are highly poisonous.Quantity: 6 seeds