New products at Suttons Seeds
by Sarah - July 23rd, 2016.Filed under: New Products, Suttons Seeds.
New products at Suttons Seeds
Squash Grafted Plants – F1 Hunter £4.99
An early ripening grafted butternut squash, which will mature even earlier because it’s been grafted. Plants are very high yielding, giving you a good supply throughout late summer and autumn, each one a lovely buff colour, with attractive, fine-flavoured orange flesh. Plus they’re one of the most versatile of all vegetables, and can be used in any way that a potato can, and stored in a frost-free place throughout winter. Please note: There is a possibility that your plant will include a grafting clip, if it does, this is an integral part of the grafting process and that it should be left in place. As the plant grows it will naturally shrug off the clip.What’s so good about grafted veg plants? We are revolutionising the home grown vegetable market with our range of grafted vegetable plants! Commercially the grafting method has been used for some time, but we’ve developed them for the home gardener, and early adopters have had extraordinary results: Big increases in yield from larger, more vigorous plants Earlier cropping, yet with sufficient vigour to crop well later in the season Grow in the greenhouse or outdoors – little or no heating required Excellent resistance to soil-borne pest and diseases – no more ring culture or grow bags – plant straight in the soil Greater tolerance to nutritional disorders
Squash Grafted Plants – F1 Hunter £4.99
An early ripening grafted butternut squash, which will mature even earlier because it’s been grafted. Plants are very high yielding, giving you a good supply throughout late summer and autumn, each one a lovely buff colour, with attractive, fine-flavoured orange flesh. Plus they’re one of the most versatile of all vegetables, and can be used in any way that a potato can, and stored in a frost-free place throughout winter. Please note: There is a possibility that your plant will include a grafting clip, if it does, this is an integral part of the grafting process and that it should be left in place. As the plant grows it will naturally shrug off the clip.What’s so good about grafted veg plants? We are revolutionising the home grown vegetable market with our range of grafted vegetable plants! Commercially the grafting method has been used for some time, but we’ve developed them for the home gardener, and early adopters have had extraordinary results: Big increases in yield from larger, more vigorous plants Earlier cropping, yet with sufficient vigour to crop well later in the season Grow in the greenhouse or outdoors – little or no heating required Excellent resistance to soil-borne pest and diseases – no more ring culture or grow bags – plant straight in the soil Greater tolerance to nutritional disorders