Apple trees
by Diane - September 19th, 2016.Filed under: Thompson and Morgan.
A lovely idea – your own apple tree.

Apple (Britain’s Favourites Collection) – 3 apple trees – 1 of each variety £34.99
Britain has one of the best climates in the world for growing apples of the highest quality. This collection contains some of the most highly regarded varieties. Grafted onto a dwarfing rootstock, the crowns are easily reached to prune, spray and pick your delicious fruit. The varieties in this collection are not self-fertile but will act as suitable pollinators for one another. Root wrap plants supplied. Height and spread: 25m (8’) Rootstock: M9. Collection comprises 1 tree each of: Apple ‘Braeburn’ - This well known dessert variety earns its popularity by being easy to grow, early to crop from a young age, and having excellent storage potentialApple ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ - The most famous cooking apple of all, producing large fruits with a sharp acidic flavour that are ideal for making delicious pies and crumblesApple ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ - Regarded to be the finest tasting dessert apple, the rich aromatic flavour and crisp, juicy texture set this apple apart from other varieties
Apple ‘ Red Falstaf’ – 1 bare root apple tree £14.99
Apple ‘Braeburn’ – 1 root wrap apple tree £17.99
Apple ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ (patio) – 1 patio apple tree £29.99
Apple ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ – 1 root wrap apple tree £19.99
Apple ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ – 1 root wrap apple tree £19.99
Apple ‘Egremont Russet’ – 1 root wrap apple tree £26.99
Apple ‘Family Apple Tree’ – 1 apple tree £29.99
Apple ‘Gala’ (Mini Fruit Tree) – 1 x 9cm potted apple plant £14.99
Apple ‘Golden Delicious’ (Mini Fruit Tree) – 1 x 9cm potted apple plant £14.99
Apple ‘James Grieve’ – 1 root wrap apple tree £24.99
Apple ‘Pixirosso’ – 1 root wrap apple tree £27.99
Apple ‘Red Falstaff’ – 1 root wrap apple tree £34.99
Apple ‘Sir Isaac Newton’ – 1 root wrap apple tree £29.99
Apple ‘Spartan’ – 1 bare root apple tree £14.99
Apple ‘Worcester Pearmain’ – 1 bare root apple tree £14.99
Apple (Britain’s Favourites Collection) – 3 apple trees – 1 of each variety £34.99
Apple Columnar ‘Purple Haze’ ® – 1 bare root apple tree £29.99