New products at Jersey Plants Direct
by Sarah - April 13th, 2018.Filed under: Jersey Plants, New Products.
Jersey Plants Direct just added these new lines
Begonia Garden Angel Blush 3 9cm Pots £13.99
Perfect for Shady Areas!Perfect for all those shady areas in the garden either in borders or containers these will provide a heavenly mix with feather-like leaves in this blush pink grown into these 9cm pots ready to plant out.
Begonia Garden Angel Plum 3 9cm Pots £13.99
Plum Angels!Ideal for growing in shady spots great for ground cover in lovely plum tones and feathery style leaves. These Premium perennials get better with age.
Begonia Garden Angel Silver 3 9cm Pots £13.99
Silver Feathers!These gorgeous perennial plants are great for borders rockeries and all shady areas.With heavenly silver feather style leaves are perfect for ground cover. Grown into these 9cm pots ready for you to plant straight out.
Delosperma Wheels of Wonder Violet 3 9cm Pots £13.99
Weather Tolerant!These Delosperma (Ice Plants) which are easy-to-grow and will produce large brightly coloured blooms throughout the Summer. Great for dry areas of the garden,
Erysimum Artist Goghs Gold 3 9cm Pots £13.99
A colourful Palette!These Perennial cottage garden favourites have handsome deep green foliage which is offset perfectly by the ever-changing colours of the fragrant blooms. Drought tolerant.
Erysimum Artist Monets Moment 3 9cm Pots £13.99
Ever changing Colours! Cottage Garden favourites with ever changing fragrant flowers. Planted into these 9cm pots ready for you to grow on.
Erysimum Artist Paintbox 3 9cm Pots £13.99
A Paintbox Mix!These Perennial cottage garden favourites have handsome deep green foliage which is offset perfectly by the ever-changing colours of the fragrant blooms. Drought tolerant
Leucanthemum Sweet Daisy Christine 3 9cm Pots £13.99
Sweet Daisies!The ideal plant for perennial borders wafting in the summer sunshine growing up to 12cm these gorgeous daisy flowers are also perfect for attracting wildlife.
Leucanthemum Real Dream 3 9cm Pots £13.99
Daisy Style Flowers!They will bloom throughout the Summer in soft shades of yellow, attracting a wide variety of local wildlife to your garden. These varieties are perfect for perennial borders!