New products at Dobies
by Sarah - April 14th, 2018.Filed under: Dobies, New Products.
Dobies has these new lines today
Campsis t. Plant – Summer Jazz £34.99
The Summer Jazz ‘Sunrise Gold’ has large flowers with a beautiful peach-orange colour that slowly becomes yellow with orange-red throats and red veining. The Summer Jazz series is more compact than its other species, that makes the plant perfect for small trellis or fences. Hummingbirds and butterflies love this plant. This plant needs a lot of sun. Flowers August-September. Height 90-100cm. Supplied as a potted plant.
Nepeta Plant – Neptune £9.99
A lovely compact and bushy form of catmint with large upright panicles of mid blue flowers. The strong stems of this variety maintain its sturdy upright bush form unlike many other varieties and the colourful attractive flowers will repeat flower for months from around June to October. The aromatic foliage is a further beautiful benefit. A great new addition to our range and the industry for a colourful display in the garden or a patio container. Flowers June-September. Height 20-30cm (8-12); spread 20-30cm (8-12). Supplied in a 2 litre pot.
Berberis thunb. Plant – Rosy Rocket £34.99
Berberis thunbergii Rosy Rocket is a deciduous, upright, columnar shrub bearing young soft pink and burgundy variegated foliage deepening to deep purple. The colour of the plant deepens with age. Rosy rocket has small, red-tinged, yellow flowers from March to April. The height of this shrub will be, once mature, around 120cm. For an optimised growth, it’s best to plant in the full sun or shade on well-drained, moist soil. Height 100-150cm. Supplied in a 10 litre pot.
Mandevilla Bloom Bells Plant – White £17.99
A touch of the tropics for your patio! White is a strong variety for the English climate, producing vibrant blooms and glossy foliage that will light up your patio throughout the summer and into autumn. Please note that contact with plants may cause irritation to skin and eyes. Flowers July-September. Height 1-1.5m (3’3-5′); spread 20-30cm (8-12). Supplied in a 2 litre pot.
Calycanthus floridus Plant £34.99
Redcurrant Plant – Junifer £7.99
Early red currant to be harvested from the end of June. Large, uniform panicles with attractive shiny berries, perfect for snacking. Provides constant high yields with healthy leaves and upright, compact bushes and is very resistant. Perfect for permeable soil. Ideal for cakes, jams and desserts or for snacking directly from the plant. Harvest June-August. Height 60-70cm (24-27); spread 70-80cm (27-31). Supplied in a 2 litre pot.
Phlox paniculata Plant – Bambini £9.99
It’s all in a name: Phlox Bambini Candy Crush is a compact variety with a height and width of 10 and candy-like flowers. The flowers of Bambini Candy Crush are bicoloured pink and white and you can enjoy them from early summer until autumn. Bambini Candy Crush prefers a place in the sun or partial shade in a moist but well-drained soil. This perennial is excellent as a solitary on your patio or in mixed containers, a perennial border or mass planting. Flowers June-August. Height 20-30cm (8-12); spread 25cm (10). Supplied in a 2 litre pot.
Folding Chair £99.99
Sit back, relax and enjoy the views in comfort! A great addition to the range, these folding chairs are great to have to hand when needed, but can also easily be hidden away when not in use. Dimensions: 37.5 x 42 x 95cm. Ideal for use with either the matching rectangular or round tables available -sold separately. Matching carver chair also available – sold separately.PLEASE NOTE: UK Mainland Delivery Only.
Hibiscus Extreme Plant – Oak Red £17.99
Giant blooms up to 30cm (1′) across! Extremely fast-growing during the summer months, this new hibiscus hybrid, Oak Red, is built for the English climate. Now you can enjoy the same exotic blooms that gardeners in warmer regions have enjoyed for years! Giant flowers, around 1 foot across, emerge from crinkled buds during the height of summer. With a little winter protection, you can keep these plants year on year too! Flowers July-September. Height 1-1.5m (3’3-5′); spread 1-1.5m (3’3-5′). Supplied in a 2 litre pot.