Garden And Gardener

Everything for the Gardener and their Garden

Growing sweet potatoes

Monday, July 6th, 2009

I’d asked earlier in the year about whether anyone had grown sweet potatoes and no one had recently, but I’d not seen anywhere selling them so I’d forgotten all about wanting to grow some.
should have some though! And they have sacks to grow them in to make it even easier, so you can grow them on your patio.
Sweet potatoes are lovely! They’re not that hard to grow, but you don’t plant tubers, you’ve got to plant special plantlets that are offcuts grown off the tubers but using a high starter temperature and humity – not something easy to do at home apparently Once the plants have started though they will grow very easily. They want to be in the warmest part of your garden but don’t forget to water them. This variety is Beauregard improved and is designed to grow in the UK. Should crop in 100 days. You put 5-6″ of compost in the bottom of the special bags and then plant in the tubers (3 per bag) and then you top up the compost always keeping the foliage above the compost level. Once you’re at the top of the bag you can move the bags to a sunny spot and keep watering them regularly. You can easily grow 30lbs of sweet potatoes using this kit. It’s brilliant! If you’re as big a fan of sweet potatoes as I am you’ll enjoy growing this in your garden!