Price reductions at Crocus
by Sarah - January 29th, 2010.Filed under: Crocus, Price Reductions.
Crocus has cut the price of these items

elephant-watering-can was £2.99 now £1.99
If your watering can no longer makes you smile, get one of these. Made from plastic, they measure 18x29cm. Each can features and easy-pour spout and comfortable handle. A gift that will make you go ‘Aaah!’

snail-away was £2.99 now £1.99
At last, a effective and safe way to keep slugs and snails out of your containers. ‘Snail Away’ is a decorative, self adhesive tape which can be fitted in minutes. Powered by a small battery (9volt PP3 – not included) which you can expect to last a whole season, it works by giving an electric shock to any snail or slug trying to cross it. After a few tries they give up and go away – so there are no messy bodies to clear up! 2 metres of tape – is sufficient for a pot up to 60cms (24ins) diameter.

flower-peanut-feeder was £3.49 now £2.99
This attractive and colourful, flower peanut feeder is sure to brighten up your garden and keep your local birds very happy. It comes with its own hanger too.Endorsed by the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) and meets all the BSA (Bird Care Standards Association) standardsMeasurements:13.5cm is the diameter of the peanut holder24.5cm is the full diameter of the whole feeder

mondo grass was £4.99 now £3.49
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: June to AugustHardiness: fully hardyThe grass-like green leaves of this perennial will form tight clumps up to 15cm tall. From amongst these clumps, flowerspikes emerge in summer bearing white, but occasionally lilac flushed flowers. These are followed by fleshy, rounded, blue-black berries in autumn. This plant is useful as well as decorative as it is used quite a lot in Chines medicine to treat coughs, fevers, insomnia and anxiety.Garden care: Top-dress plants in autumn with leaf mould.

lesser catmint was £4.99 now £3.49
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: moist, well-drained, humus-rich soilRate of growth: average Flowering period: June to SeptemberHardiness: fully hardyThis upright, bushy plant produces a haze of tiny blue flowers with long purple bracts from June right through to September. When crushed, the oval, dark green leaves emit a spearmint-like scent and the flowers are a magnet for bees. Try this lovely catmint in a warm, sunny spot in the garden, among herbs or Mediterranean-style plants. Garden care: Lift and divide congested colonies in spring.

mountain everlasting was £4.99 now £3.49
Position: full sunSoil: fertile, well-drained soilRate of growth: average Flowering period:May to JuneHardiness: fully hardyA native of cool, mountaineous regions in Europe, Asia and North America, this creeping, semi-evergreen perennial will form a low carpet of grey green, spoon-shaped leaves and fuzzy-looking white (male) or pink (female) flowers in late spring and early summer. Once established this little alpine will cope well with drought, and is ideal for filling gaps between paving slabs or in dry stone walls. A perfect ingredient in an alpine trough, it also works well in smaller pots as a speciman plant on a sunny patio where you can enjoy it close up.Garden care: After the flowers have faded cut back the flower stems. Lift and divide overlarge clumps in spring.

chrysanthemum was £5.99 now £3.99
Position: full sun Soil: well-drained soil Rate of growth: fast Flowering period: July – October Flower colour: Apricot Other features: make good cut flowers Hardiness: fully hardy but protect from excessive winter wetChrysanthemums were prized by Gertrude Jekyll for their fresh colour contribution to the autumn scene. This trouble-free selected form is easy to grow, producing twiggy, branched stems which support large sprays of open single daisies in a warm apricot pink. Capable of reviving a flagging planting later in the season, they associate well with Asters and Sedums of the same period and are a good contrast to vertical grasses. An excellent cut flower for the harvest festival!Garden care: Insert twiggy prunings early in the season to provide invisible and effective support.Apply a thick 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch around the base of the plant in Spring, taking care not to cover the crown.

pincushion flower was £4.99 now £3.99
Position: full sunSoil: well-drained, neutral to slightly alkaline soilRate of growth: averageFlowering period: June to AugustFlower colour: lavender blueOther features: the flowers are highly attractive to butterflies and bees and make a pretty cut posy.Hardiness: fully hardyCompact form of the popular pincushion flower. Pale blue flowers produced in profusion on wiry stems. Hummocks of grey-green foliage remain tight and tidy making this a useful plant for smaller gardens or containers. Needs a well-drained soil where it will act as a magnet for bees and butterflies. Garden care: Protect young plants from slug damage using environmentally friendly slug pellets or beer traps. Deadhead regularly to prolong flowering and cut back in autumn to maintain tidy habit and form. It is worth keeping in mind that these plants are biennial or short lived perennials.

masterwort was £4.99 now £3.99
Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, moist, preferably humus-rich soilRate of Growth: average to fastFlowering period: June to AugustFlowers: pale pinkOther features: excellent cut flowersHardiness: fully hardyPretty, pale pink or whitish green flowers held on slender, branched stems above deeply lobed, mid-green leaves. This old cottage garden favourite that has been cultivated since the 16th century and works equally well in the dappled shade of a woodland edge or in a sunny, but moist garden border. For an eye catching display, why not combine it with pink turk’s cap lilies, escallonia and a climbing rose? Garden care: Incorporate plenty of organic matter when planting and water well in dry weather especially newly established plants. Lift and divide large clumps in early spring and apply a generous 5-7 cm mulch of well-rotted manure or garden compost around the plant. Divided specimens may take some time to establish since they don’t like having their roots disturbed.
catmint was £4.99 now £3.99
tall-wire-&-glass-lantern was £7.49 now £4.99
burgon-and-ball–dandelion-grubber was £7.99 now £5.99
tufted hair grass was £6.99 now £5.99
Balkan cranesbill was £6.49 now £5.99
grreat-tit-bird-house was £9.99 now £6.49
blue-tit-house was £9.99 now £6.49
blue wheat grass was £9.99 now £6.99
dahlia was £14.99 now £7.49
shaker-birdhouse was £9.99 now £7.49
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