Garden And Gardener

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Perfect lawn

Friday, February 11th, 2011


If your lawn is dry, brown and riddled with weeds you may think it is beyond help and that your only remaining option is to re-turf. Before you rush to the garden centre to place a turf order, Steve Welch, technical expert from leading lawn care service TruGreen has some advice that might save you spending a small packet. Steve says that with a little time and a few simple rules you can transform even the most unloved lawn into a lush green carpet.


· Aerate your lawn, to ensure good drainage; it will also help the grass plant take nutrients from the soil.

· Treat any weeds in the early summer before they become established.

· Seed any bare patches of lawn in the late spring if possible or early summer.

· Apply fertiliser to improve the health and appearance of your lawn.

· Make sure your mower has been serviced and that the blades have been sharpened.

· Mow your lawn regularly, little and often is best.

· Water your lawn either in the early morning or evening during the cooler parts of the day.

· Use a sprinkler where possible as this will allow for an even distribution of water.

· Consider using growth regulators and wetting agents as these will help to maintain the quality of your lawn during hot weather.


· Mow the grass too short; try to maintain the height at 1 inch/25 mm.

· Leave it too long between mows, a little and often is best.

· Mow in the same direction every time, alternating the direction of the cut will aid the lawn aesthetics and grass quality.

· Over water, check your lawn for moisture before watering.

· Lie on or cover the lawn for long periods during hot weather as this will produce extreme temperatures which will burn the grass plant.

trugreen lawnFor more information or to find your local TruGreen expert call 0800 021 3074 or visit

Perfect lawn

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

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